2019 AsTrE Business Intelligence Census

The report of the first ever AsTrE member market trend census, which was conducted at the beginning of 2019, has been very well received by AsTrE members. AsTrE committee, therefore, proposes to run the census regularly twice a year, with the next one starting in July 2019. This is so that the data can be…

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The 2019 AsTrE AGM will be on the 6th September 2019 at Holden Bars and online. We plan to repeat the business intelligence survey during August, only this time the APM, APMG and Axelos have said they will share it to a wider group of training providers. The theme for the meeting will be Agile…

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The March 2019 AsTrE meeting voted unanimously to form a company limited by guarantee to protect the Organisation and Officers. As there were half the members present the vote was quorate. This structure is used widely by voluntary not-for-profit organisations such as after school clubs or sports clubs. It is the least bureaucratic structure whilst…

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At the March 2019 AsTrE meeting members identified that some Social Media training would be helpful. Especially the opportunities for AsTrE members to collaborate and coordinate social media campaigns. We have had the offer of a collaborative Social Media Workshop to be run by the APMG Marketing Team. This will include information about making the…

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