2019 AsTrE Business Intelligence Census
What will 2019 be like for training providers? Will it prove challenging market? Or will we continue to see continued growth in professional training? What products or services will like to attract customers during 2019?
To help answer these questions AsTrE is launching a census of its members. This totally anomalous survey will collect the views of all aspect members on the prospects for the management training market in 2019. The census also looks at feedback on the main examination providers and how aspect members good work more closely with these examination providers.
It should only take you 10 minutes to complete the census. It’s open to members and non-members. Once you have completes the survey you will have the option to provide an e-mail address (using a different survey form) so we can send you a summary of the report and nothing else. Once the report is sent out, we will delete these e-mail addresses. AsTrE members will get a detailed report the next meeting on the 22nd of March.
So don’t delay I’m complete your responses to the census today by following this link to a google form.
About AsTrE
Aspect is a trade association for management training providers. We a not for profit organisation run by and for people from training companies. The committee members give their time freely to further the interested of the community. We have no employed offices or staff. We have a very small membership fee of £150 to cover administration costs (mostly room hire for our open meetings)